With the very limited light pollution, Aravaipa Farms is the perfect place
to view the night sky. We have several spots around the farm set up specifically for stargazing.
This secluded stargazing spot is located behind the Mountain Casita. We also have designated stargazing spots overlooking the Pear Orchard and the creek.

2023 Lunar Chart
New moon and Full moon are the best times for stargazing at the farm. During the New moon, the stars stand out against the dark sky. You can even see the Milky Way! During the Full moon, you can walk around the orchard at night because the moon glow lights up the property.
Perseid Meteor Shower
This meteor shower is best seen in early- to mid-August. It is called Perseid because they point where they appear in the sky begins in the constellation Perseus. The shower is a product of the comet Swift-Tuttle, which has been orbiting earth for over 130 years.
Geminid Meteor Shower
The Geminid Meteor Shower is best seen in early- to mid-December. Unlike the Perseid Meteor Shower, the Geminid doesn’t originate from a comet, instead it is caused by 3200 Phaethon. This solar object is named after Phaëthon, the son of the Greek god of the sun, because it has an orbit that brings it closer to the sun than any other named asteroid. It is thought that this shower gets more intense each year.