Aravaipa Farms Orchard and Inn


89395 E. Aravaipa Rd
Winkelman, AZ 85192

(520) 261-7373


January through March; October through December:

Open 7 days per week from 9am-5pm

April through September:

Open Thursday-Sunday from 9am-5pm
Monday: check-outs only; no check-ins or day visits




If using Google Maps please note: It may stop you short of our driveway by a couple hundred yards. Please see our directions below:

Aravaipa Farms Orchard and Inn is located 120 miles southeast of Phoenix and just 70 miles northeast of Tucson via Oracle Road.

From Phoenix: Take SR 60 East toward Superior. At Superior take Highway #177 to Winkelman. Turn right onto SR 77 in Winkelman. Proceed 10 miles South to mile marker #124. From there (at sign for Central Arizona College) turn left onto East Aravaipa Road.

From Tucson: Take SR 77 North toward Oracle, Mammoth and Winkelman. Proceed 10 miles North of Mammoth to mile marker 124. Turn right onto East Aravaipa Road (at sign for Central Arizona College).

From the turn off you are seven miles plus 100 yards from our entrance. The first four miles are paved but the final section (3 miles) will be a well maintained dirt road.

Just past mile post 7, You will see our sign, “Aravaipa Farms Orchard and Inn” at the top of our driveway. From there you can see the orchard, the creek, and much of the farm. Proceed down the steep driveway, turn right and cross the creek. Slide open the gate (please close it behind you), and proceed through the orchard to the Casitas on the other side. Follow signs to the right and up past the blue truck under the large eucalyptus trees. Look for office sign.

Note: Creek flow varies but it’s generally only four to six inches deep at our crossing and the roadbed is rock, sand and silt. Four-wheel drive is recommended but not required. However, after rain, during rain or whenever rain is in the forecast, please call ahead to be sure the creek can be safely crossed.

We can shuttle you across if there is any question, but we will never risk anyone’s safety in the process.