Brandenburg Mt. Ridge Trail
2-3+ hours (4+ miles), rocky trail with a good incline
We have a wonderful view of Brandenburg Mountain from the farm, why not flip the view and overlook the canyon and surrounding area from the towering Brandenburg Mountain? The ridge has been described as “magical” by guests due to the incredible energy and perspective.
Please only go during cooler months as there is no shade on this trail. Ask staff for further directions, as the trail is only lightly marked.
Exploration Trail
1-1.5 hours (3+ miles)
Start by meandering along the creek and finish with gorgeous views of the orchard & Brandenburg Mt.
Follow the Creek Walk, described to the right, and then follow the rock cairns to the left as the trail heads up the winding wash through the rolling hills behind the orchard. The trail is an active work-in-progress so it currently ends at the top of a hill overlooking the orchard with Brandenburg Mountain looming in the distance. Enjoy the great views and fresh air up there!
Creek Trail
20+ minutes (0.75+ miles), flat trail along the creek
This kid-friendly walk leaves straight from our property and follows the creek as it winds downstream.
Leave through our front gate and follow a flat and easily walked path, listening to the creek bubble along next to you. This path changes slightly every monsoon season as floods wash away last years trail. After about a quarter mile, you’ll come to a natural rock wall where you can sit and relax next to the creek.
If you’d like to continue on and blaze your own trail, you’re welcome to bushwhack downstream. There is no designated trail from here on, so please stay in the creek bed as you enjoy the adventure.
Orchard Walk
20+ minutes (0.75 miles)
This path circles around the entirety of our 900 trees in the orchard.
This path circles around the entirety of our 900 trees in the orchard. From the office, take the path to the Butterfly Garden and turn left. You’ll pass two chairs set out for stargazing. Follow the gravel road south and you’ll pass the pear trees and the chicken coop. Once the trail loops around and passes the truck in the center of the field, you’ll be in the peach orchard, followed by the apricot orchard. You’ll circle past a few of the casitas before arriving back at the Butterfly Garden. This walk is everyones favorite and you’ll likely even see our staff walking it around dawn and dusk.
Saguaro Trail
20+ minutes (0.5+ miles)
This short trail starts behind the Orchard Casita and leads to a peaceful sitting area that overlooks the orchard, perfectly framed by several large saguaros. It is only approximately 10 minutes, so it is a great option for kids or beginner hikers.
Be Prepared
No matter your experience level, here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind before going hiking in the area:
Bring sturdy shoes. The paths are constructed so that the environment isn’t too disturbed. As such, you may find holes, brush, and rocks in your path. A sturdy pair of shoes will protect not only your feet from blisters, but also from anything sharp and rolling an ankle if you trip. Hiking poles are always a good idea as well.
Sunscreen. Even in the winter months, you can get a sunburn if you’re exposed for too long. Make sure you apply before heading out, and bring some with you so that you can reapply.
Water. Bring more than you think you’ll need, so that you can avoid dehydration. Water from the creek should be treated before it is ready for human consumption.
Map and compass. It’s easy to get turned around when you’re on a trail for the first time. Bringing a map and a compass will help you find your way, since the GPS likely will not work on your phone.
Communicate. It is good practice to always let someone know which trail you’re planning to go on and how long you think you’ll be out. Then if you have an emergency, someone will be able to alert the authorities in a timely manner.
Leave Only Footprints
This land is precious to so many, and we want to make sure we are doing our part to preserve its beauty. When you hike, please be mindful not only of not disturbing the natural habitat, but also that you do not leave behind anything you brought in.
Guided Hikes
We offer four-hour guided hikes for up to eight guests per guide. No matter your experience, your guide can lead you through the trails with ease. Contact us below to reserve a guide.
(For parties of more than 16, please contact us for a customized package.)
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